The rise of the cryptocurrency economy

Cryptocurrency is a new industry, but it is gaining rapid success.It starts with Bitcoin and is based on blockchain technology. Although Bitcoin is the forerunner, we trade more than 1,500 currencies on the exchange today. Among them, well-known cryptocurrencies include Bitcoin and Ethereum. As can be seen from the "1 ethereum to usd chart", today's 1ETH≈469.05$, compared to yesterday at the same time, the price shows an upward trend. ETH prices are not determined by the state or by an agency.*ewxsrB9aV6Wa0s8Vj60EUw.jpeg

The state will not force you to accept bitcoin, but the higher the level of participation from player , the higher the recognition, the greater the value of the cryptocurrency. Some people may ask, who is the industry with such a large cryptocurrency?


The cryptocurrency is a currency exist on internet. It is the currency that everyone can access and hold. It is not owned by the government. Although the government is trying to regulate the industry, they are unable to determine the value of the coin anyway. Just like the United States and the European Union, strictly speaking, the government's supervision of cryptocurrencies is still in its infancy.


The price of cryptocurrencies differs from legal tender, and a big problem with cryptocurrencies is volatility. They can change quickly and unpredictably, especially worse. This makes it difficult for companies to adopt and accept it as a means of payment. However, some cryptocurrencies are currently doing such an attempt, and there has been news that a company accepts Bitcoin or Ethereum payments. Of course this is not new.*c5vcnZgDW9fnDYgFyquIRw.jpeg

But not long ago, a candidate in the United States who was preparing to participate in the 2020 US presidential campaign also announced that he would accept donations from cryptocurrencies. This is enough to see the globalization of cryptocurrencies. And people's recognition of cryptocurrencies.


If you want to know more about exchange information on cryptocurrencies, or the price of cryptocurrencies, please pay attention to citicoins.


With cryptocurrency, you can not only invest and buy. You can even post it yourself, based on a distribution platform for some cryptocurrencies.The value of this cryptocurrency will be determined by the player's activity, trust, and frequency of use. If you do not have these advantages, your cryptocurrency will disappear soon. Because no one is going to use it.

The cryptocurrency will be used to pay

The positioning of cryptocurrencies has always been a controversial issue. A few days ago, the US Congress and the European Union discussed the development of cryptocurrencies specifically. The cryptocurrency attributes, the deficiencies in cryptocurrencies, and how the government regulates cryptocurrencies are in line with national finances.

For the positioning of cryptocurrency, it is mainly divided into two aspects, the first is for payment, of course, this is in line with the cryptocurrency's own positioning. But people and the government are more inclined to the second, that is as an investment product. Because the price is unstable, Using it as currency will have a big risk.*ez3dUAeGDikwvuOHuwf16w.jpeg

However, recently there is news that "Samsung" and CopPay will cooperate, Samsung Electronics will first store in four cities in three countries: Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Samsung Electronics will accept multiple cryptocurrencies in specialty stores, including Bitcoin, ETH, XRP, LTC, Dash, NEM and Steem. Previously, Microsoft, KFC, Steam, etc. all supported the payment of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. This will cause an unpredictable change in the ltc coin future value.

But paying with cryptocurrencies has to pay attention to the issue of value. Because the value is very unstable, the same amount of bitcoin will have different values in different time periods. Obviously, the price of Samsung's products is relatively constant, so it is necessary to use cryptocurrency. To pay, you need to consider this contradiction.

Not only is Samsung using cryptocurrency for payment products. The Costa Rican government recently announced that it allows companies in the country to use cryptocurrency as a means of paying wages. It is reported that certain provisions of the national legislation of Costa Rica allow companies to pay wages to employees using legal tender or commodities. Therefore, some legal experts believe that cryptocurrency can also become a means for companies to pay wages.

The country’s laws allow employers to use non-monetary goods to pay employees the portion of their wages that exceeds the minimum wage. In addition, the country’s legal provisions generally only recognize the physical assets of assets as a means of payment.*jxTmptrEhmfZ3XKiPM5n6A.jpeg

According to regulations, the minimum wage for paying in Bitcoin is 10,000 yen and the maximum limit is 100,000 yen. From the bitcoin spot price history, a bitcoin is enough to pay the wages of many workers. For the time being, these amounts are relatively low compared to the income of GMO Internet Group employees. To encourage employees to choose “bitcoin wages,” GMO will reward employees with up to 10% of their bonuses.

This news shows that cryptocurrency is not only an investment financial product, but also a function like currency.

Then? Will you accept the purchase of goods in cryptocurrency? Will you accept cryptocurrencies to pay for your salary? ?

The current status of cryptocurrency in India

With the ban on cryptocurrencies implemented by the former Indian Finance Minister, the attitude of other countries in the world to cryptocurrencies is much milder. For example, the United States and the European Union are not busy implementing the ban, but on the cryptocurrency, open thematic meetings to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the current cryptocurrency. For the discussion of deficiencies, form an effective solution. So in any case, the cryptocurrency ban imposed by India is somewhat arbitrary at present.



After the ban was implemented, the volume of cryptocurrency transactions increased. The cryptocurrency, which was previously lower in price, was also rising. For example, the current price of Litecoin rose by 1.88% (data from litecoin to btc chart). This is not surprising, India gave the cryptocurrency a three-month "end period". Let the exchange end the relationship with the cryptocurrency service operator. Then there should be a lot of transactions during this time.


It took only one month for the time, so investors can still convert the Indian rupee into a cryptocurrency. And there is news that after the ban is officially implemented, people can still exchange other currencies through private trading platforms.

With the recovery of the cryptocurrency market, many new investors have joined in India, hoping to make a profit through this cryptocurrency price.



For the "ban", most exchanges in India and the public are not very satisfied. Therefore, successive cryptocurrency exchanges filed a lawsuit in the Delhi High Court, requesting the Reserve Bank of India to withdraw the previous ban.

The current ban is only for exchanges, which means that cryptocurrencies are legal. Then, through the personal trading platform, the cryptocurrency can still be traded. After that, whether the Indian side will consider the international economic situation and withdraw the ban, let us wait and see.


ETH prices are also rising (from ethereum to usd price history)

Move the cryptocurrency to the classroom

Around September 18, 2017, it was reported that five top universities in Russia will offer courses on cryptocurrency and blockchain. The blockchain and cryptocurrency courses were unbelievable at the time, but for today it is very reasonable: the US Congress and the European Commission have held several meetings on cryptocurrencies, regardless of the outcome, to a certain extent. Both reflect the world's emphasis on cryptocurrencies.

As the meeting progressed, discussions on cryptocurrencies continued to increase, which invisibly played a very good publicity role. Therefore, the current cryptocurrency is also an important part of the world economy.

We have been concerned about bitcoin-cash, there is news that it is the most valuable cryptocurrency after bitcoin, the increase is good, trade bitcoin cash for btc is 0.106526 btc, up 0.42%.


New demands will generate new services. The emergence of Internet and e-commerce courses is due to the growth of the new economic situation. Currently, people are arguing about cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, so cryptocurrencies may be moved in. classroom. Blockchain technology is likely to dominate the world economy in the future, so before that, whoever masters this technology will increase the international voice in the future.

As the discussion progressed, the price of cryptocurrency also tends to rise, and people's previous comments on cryptocurrencies are becoming less and less. According to the data, the highest-growth currency in the top 10 cryptocurrencies has now risen by more than 8%. The current BTC to usd price is 7481.49$, (XLM) has the highest increase, rising more than 8%.

So recently three Russian univ、/ersities announced that they will open new courses and majors related to cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency technology, which will be officially launched at the beginning of the fall school year.


These newly established courses in the blockchain field include: Cryptography, Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology, Alternative Payment Systems, Digital Economy, Accounting and Management.

These courses not only enroll domestic students, but also accept foreign students.

If you have this opportunity, will you study?



トピック:「暗号通貨とブロックチェーン:法的背景と金融犯罪、マネーロンダリングと脱税への影響」 現時点でEUがこの報告書を発表したことで、米国と同様に、暗号問題に関する重点が強調されるという明らかな結果が得られました。 この時点で、それは非常に積極的な姿勢です。 つまり、新たな経済状況、または新しいことは、無反応ではなく、真剣に受け止めなければならない。



両方の会議では暗号化に重点が置かれていましたが、2つの会議の焦点は異なりました。 欧州議会はより多くの防衛になり、焦点は暗号化貨幣の匿名性に取り組むことにある。 cryptocurrencyトランザクションを可視化し、監視することができます。 脱税の発生を防止し、マネーロンダリングを防止する。

監督の後、暗号侵害の価格は比較的安定し、以前は楽観的だった一部の暗号侵害の価格が上昇するでしょう。ltc coin future value おそらく今よりも。

米国議会の調査の内容は実際より豊富です。 cryptocurrenciesのモニタリングは依然として課題です。しかし、米国はまた、クリプトカルトを部分的に支持している。トークンとコインを区別し、暗号侵害の属性を決定し、異なる属性の法律を促進し、特定の規制機関を明確にする。もちろん、クリプトカルトの開発において生じる問題も議論されている。例えば、ICOの詐欺、監督のプロセスにおける所有権の問題。




しかし確かに、暗号化通信の発展はより標準化されるでしょう。しかし、これまでの理解からずっとずれています。匿名性は法律の義務的性質によって透明になります。 「地方分権化」は信頼の支払いにつながる可能性があります。


現在のethereum to usd exchange:456.43 $(2018年7月21日01:10)





2.元CFTCのGary Gensle議長:私は暗号解読技術の成功を期待しています。

3.米下院農業委員会会長マイク・コンウェイ(Mike Conaway)議会や規制当局は、暗号侵害のための新たな規制枠組みの策定を検討するかもしれない。

4.米国のCFTCの役員Daniel Gorfine:法定デジタル通貨への投資を増やし、281百万ドルの投資を見込んでいます。議会はデジタル通貨規制に慎重でなければならない。



  1. Andreessen Horowitz管理パートナー:Token発行は、投資契約と同様の監督の対象となります。
  2. Rodney J. Garratt、カリフォルニア大学カリフォルニア大学経済学教授:cryptocurrencyは形態学的挙動の可能性を明示的に増加させない。

9.ヘリテージ財団の遺産分析センターのディレクター:Bitcoinの構築方法は、ボラティリティと関係があります。 Bitcoinが違法であると犯罪者が判断するために使用すべきではありません。

  1. Eswar S. Prasad、Brookings機関のシニアリサーチフェロー:暗号化技術により、取引の支払いが簡単になり、コストが削減されます。11. ClovyrのAmber Baldet CEO:暗号侵害は、問題のある人の橋渡しとなります。*v_AN2-JV4Ku9wy1g_jO9_Q.jpeg

現在ethereum to usd exchange:464.36USD(米国東部時間:2018年7月20日01:15)




現在のneo to usd price :464.36USD(東部時間:2018年7月20日01:15)









ワールドカップでの暗号違反に関する良いニュースと悪いニュースがあります。 Facebookでは暗号化通貨の広告が許可されていますが、ICO広告の宣伝は禁止されています。このニュースは、暗号侵害の促進において一定の役割を果たしました。しかし、その後、インドの財務大臣は、国の暗号侵害を禁止した。これは間違いなく、インドの暗号化交換と暗号化トランザクションに関わる人々にとって大きな打撃です。関係者は申立てを提出したが、インド政府は依然として元の決定を主張した。インド市場の割合は、暗号侵害では無視できません。



ビットコインは、法的通貨を使用するには、本来の意図に代わるものですが、理由は信用の不安定な価格の問題、および「分散型」のコンセプト、現在、一部の地域でのみ利用可能です、そしてより多くのとしてビットコインですもちろん、投資商品も法定通貨として使用されています。そのような試みがあります。 Bitcoinの後には、同じ方法で、しかし異なる分野で使用される多くのaltcoinがありました。しかし、すべての暗号通貨はICOに関しては良いビジョンですが、その後は投資商品に発展しました。また、ICOプロセスの一部では、詐欺に満ちています。

私たちは、投資商品は危険で価格は本物であることを知っています。 暗号通貨はこの機能に準拠しているため、暗号通貨の現在の識別情報は投資商品です。しかし、いったん暗号通貨の価格が安定すればどうなるでしょうか?



たとえば、1btcからusd:10,000 USDまでは、為替レートは一定であり、同じトロンの価格は変更されずにそのまま維持されます。“tron price chart usd”そんなこと。私を信じて、投資家はビットコインを10,000ドルで買って1万ドルで売ることはできません。




